Zdeněk Hurák
Zdeněk Hurák
I am checking the code for the `normalize` function at [https://github.com/JuliaMath/Decimals.jl/blob/master/src/norm.jl](https://github.com/JuliaMath/Decimals.jl/blob/master/src/norm.jl) and I suspect there are two problems in how the `rounded` option is handled. First, the code on line...
I am unable to start using OSQP within Matlab on MacBook Air M2: 1) the binaries available on the GitHub were only generated for the Intel-version of Macs (`osqp_mex.mexmaci64`), not...
Plotting the solution set of $h(x)=0$ where the function $h(x)$ is a `TypedPolynomial` does not work with `ImplicitPlots.jl`: ```julia julia> using Plots, ImplicitPlots julia> using TypedPolynomials julia> @polyvar y[1:2] (y₁,...
Among the provided functions there is also the `lqr3` function. Its docstring reads: > Calculate the feedback gain of the discrete LQR cost function augmented with control differences. Could you...
Hi, I am failing to compile on MacBook Air M2. Below is the complete listing from the command line. The error message (displayed at the very end of the listing)...
The mathematical overview in the documentation at https://github.com/SciML/JumpProcesses.jl/blame/9e272f797d1dfd23f79cc61a737d2a296e5f699d/docs/src/index.md#L52-L53C33 essentially reads that the random process dN(.) attains at a particular time t a value 1 with some probability. Am I interpreting...