Zdeněk Hurák

Results 16 issues of Zdeněk Hurák

Why isn't the `iscontinuous` function among the exported (and thus available to users)? I am sure the function is very useful for users, why not exporting it? Was it just...

Apparently, `lsim` does not work for SISO systems that are not strictly proper, that is, it fails for systems whose `D` term in the state space description is nonzero. I...

It is stated in the main README that > However, you may find it simpler to use the convenience constructors like Polar(SVector(1.0, 2.0)). I get an error when trying to...

In [the documentation in the section with an example on Lyapunov function search](https://jump.dev/SumOfSquares.jl/latest/generated/Systems%20and%20Control/lyapunov_function_search/) (but perhaps also elsewhere) I encountered a possibly confusing LaTeX-based math rendering. Namely, when an underscore is...

I am trying to reproduce the [example on Lyapunov function search](https://jump.dev/SumOfSquares.jl/latest/generated/Systems%20and%20Control/lyapunov_function_search/) from the documentation. The example uses DynamicPolynomials. Since the degree of the polynomials is fixed here, my understanding was...

It would be useful to have some functionality similar to Matlab's [idinput](https://www.mathworks.com/help/ident/ref/idinput.html?s_tid=doc_ta) for generating some standard input signals such as PRBS. I have only found some PRBS generator withing some...

In the documentation (both online and the pdf), the section 3.1 is named [The SX symbolics](https://web.casadi.org/docs/#the-sx-symbolics). And yet the very first code snippet reads ```Matlab import casadi.* x = MX.sym('x')...

`optimize!` instead of `solve`, and `value` instead of `getvalue`. Otherwise the code for MPEC doesn't run with the current version(s) of JuMP.

Docstring for nyquist https://github.com/JuliaControl/ControlSystems.jl/blob/475758a12f2d85340410e683d92060bc1f0bb060/lib/ControlSystemsBase/src/freqresp.jl#L343 uses`im` as an output argument, but this unnecessarily clashes with the imaginary unit `im` in Julia. In this particular case it can be even more troubling...

I find the role of `normal` option in [`round`](https://github.com/JuliaMath/Decimals.jl/blob/master/src/round.jl) function quite unclear and perhaps even confusing. Does it read "normalize after rounding"? The code on line 5 and 9 speaks...