Zdeněk Hurák
Zdeněk Hurák
I have followed the instructions for running FemtoCleaner locally within Julia 0.6.4 to no success: ``` julia> Pkg.clone("https://github.com/Keno/AbstractTrees.jl") INFO: Cloning AbstractTrees from https://github.com/Keno/AbstractTrees.jl INFO: Computing changes... WARNING: julia is fixed...
Amin, thank you for the response. > Did you give your repository path and not the Julia file? The repository path should have a REQUIRE file stating the required Julia...
Amin, thank you again for your response, > You should update REQUIRE to be julia 1.0 Sure. > I couldn't find a solution to your problem but I ran Femtocleaner...
Amin, I have looked at the result you uploaded to > https://github.com/aminya/PolynomialMatrices.jl and it appears to me that the conversion was not accomplished successfully. Have a look at the very...
Amin, > From what I faced and understood and mentioned in [this issue](https://github.com/JuliaComputing/FemtoCleaner.jl/issues/115), it only updates syntax up to 0.6.4, and you need to update 0.7 syntaxes manually! I see......
I agree that `iscontinuous` is imprecise. And I like the proposed `is_continuous_time` and `is_discrete_time`.
The same issue here. It can also be seen by running the the tests: ```julia (@v1.10) pkg> test Glyphy Testing Glyphy Status `/private/var/folders/y5/2skz3gn12mv457mxv694d5pw0000gn/T/jl_7CSgR5/Project.toml` [e3b492bb] Glyphy v1.3.0 [0aa819cd] SQLite v1.6.0 [bd369af6]...
I am obviously late to the party, but I also like the idea of renaming the `HybridSystem` type to `HybridAutomaton`. Indeed, hybrid automata are just one framework for modeling hybrid...
Obviously this has something to do with 1. the set of roots of the equation being empty (or just single-valued as in this case $x^2+y^2 = 0$). See also ```Julia...