From what I can tell the -t option isn't supposed to make any playlist folders. A workaround to get your playlist folders and not re-download the songs already in the...
Not sure why pathvalidate didn't automatically install, but if you install that with `pip install pathvalidate` it should work just fine.
Could you send the song and flags you're using?
I don't hear anything cutting in/out that isn't part of the song. At 00:29, it's doing an arpeggio so it sounds weird compared to the continuous notes before then.
I still hear the same thing on both. The only thing I can think of is that maybe you're listening to a higher quality version on SoundCloud and that makes...
While I'm not sure if it will fix it, you are on an older version of scdl. Also, I don't think it is the unicode characters not letting you download...
Alright I found the issue. Without getting into the specifics, the filename scdl is getting is actually "SoundCloud Download" which has no extension, and when you don't use `--original-name` it...
It seems like it works for normal tracks but when it's a track from likes it doesn't. Either way I might just remove that check like you suggested.
Newest commit should print out the files it deleted once again. I also tried to fix #441 but I haven't tested if it works yet.
Should be fixed now