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@maliming in case you are busy to make full sample code, please provide some key guideline here. My project stuck here same this guy https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/5255/Issue-with-DomainTenantResolver-and-constant-string-in-subdomain ### My specs: - ABP...
@maliming I update my comment please review it https://github.com/abpframework/abp-samples/issues/223#issuecomment-1631804862 . Look like angular app can not resolve to `host app resource` when apply subdomain tenant resolver code. Thanks
@maliming thanks let me try again with `http://{0}.ids.mydomain.com:44316/` and feedback late BTW, I prefer pattern `{0}-ids` `{0}-apps` `{0}-ngs` than {0}.something because now My ssl certificate issued for `*.mydomain.com`. If use...
@maliming http://{0}-ids.mydomain.com:44316/ to http://{0}.ids.mydomain.com:44316/ then Angular app working as expected - http://ngs.mydomain.com/ => working as expected (host app) - http://tenant1.ngs.mydomain.com/ => working as expected (tenant1 app) ### Relative Issue (Swagger...
@maliming work like a charm ^^ You are my hero. > hi > > You can try with that: > > ```cs > app.UseSwagger(options => > { > options.PreSerializeFilters.Add((swaggerDoc, httpReq)...
> hi > > You can try with that: > > ```cs > app.UseSwagger(options => > { > options.PreSerializeFilters.Add((swaggerDoc, httpReq) => > { > var currentTenant = httpReq.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService(); > if...
@icyz i have package help Zend_Mail working again with Oauth2 here https://packagist.org/packages/hungtrinh/zend-mail-oauth2
@icyz oops, look like you integrate hungtrinh/zend-mail-oauth2 with full zend framework 1 (library/Zend existed) => i guess that conflict with requires package [zf1s/zend-mail](https://packagist.org/packages/zf1s/zend-mail): ^1.14 in this case may be i...
> Anyone to own this and create PR, pls? it's easy to extract code from https://packagist.org/packages/hungtrinh/zend-mail-oauth2 but I think it's better if we keep origin zf1-future functional, try make it...
Sorry I don't think add functional to Zend Framework it's good idea. now ZF in maintain phrase (not development phrase ) so with new functional please extends and move it's...