Sebastian Humenda
Sebastian Humenda
Vim-like navigation is more than I was hoping for, thanks!
I would like to avoid installing all the required dependencies. Can I use docker to build from source as well? If so, how would that work? The README only details...
@tobimensch I now tried several times to build Browsh on my machine, but I'm hitting too many errors with NPM for which I don't have the time to figure out...
@tobimensch x86_64 GNU/Linux. Thanks
It affects these dictionaries: isl-eng, mkd-bul, nno-nob, oci-cat, spa-ast. The overall quality is far better than anything from Ergane, so definitely worth a second look.
Hi It would be helpful if you could be more specific, which dictionary are you talking about? In general, the Dutch dictionaries got imported from the Ergane project a long...
Your *woordenschat* is much appreciated. I would suggest that you have a look at our [HOWTO]( and subscribe to our mailing list: (or drop into our IRC channel ` #freedict`)....
>Another hopefully minor issue (but actually part of a larger issue suitable for a separate task in a separate ticket) is the way to make sure that the newly derived...
>If you were to take the schemas away, you would only leave part of the relevant information in fd-dictionaries. They would be half-useless as XML documents, until the schemas were...
Hi >The following dictionary is open source and has fairly good meta data. We already use this dictionary, though in a very old revision. There's also a draft of a...