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contact Stefani and/or devise an update strategy wrt Apertium
On 06/12/17 10:15, Sebastian Humenda wrote:
Hi Piotr,
isl-eng tells me that Stefani Stoyanova converted the Apertium translation rules to TEI P5. Is there a chance that you could either dig out the script or even bettter contact Stefani? It'd be great to import a newer version.
It affects these dictionaries: isl-eng, mkd-bul, nno-nob, oci-cat, spa-ast.
The overall quality is far better than anything from Ergane, so definitely worth a second look.
Hi, there's been quite a bit of development on e.g. apertium-nno-nob these last years, I see the nno-nob.tei is 5 years old, back then apertium-nno-nob had about 48.000 non-name entries, now it has over 95.000. (There has also been some growth to swe-nor and dan-nor and other Apertium dictionaries.) Seems like it could be worth it to re-run conversion scripts :-) Are the scripts published anywhere? I see @jimregan added the first nno-nob commit
Thanks for spotting this. I am afraid we lack the importer scripts from Apertium, as there was no place to store them, back when they were introduced. Is there any chance we could get you as a contributor for this?
I might be able to, though I'd much prefer to re-run the original scripts – @jimregan I don't suppose you've kept any records?
I might be able to, though I'd much prefer to re-run the original scripts – @jimregan I don't suppose you've kept any records?
I lost that laptop 4 years ago, sorry