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Articles missing in Dutch dictionary
Dutch dictionary is missing the noun articles. I may contribute to filling this data. Editor needed tho. Proposed solution: add POS field (sort of word), separate nouns from the database, add the "het" articles, autofill the reminder with "de" article. I would start with the "het" nouns since they make just around 20% of all dutch nouns.
It would be helpful if you could be more specific, which dictionary are you talking about?
In general, the Dutch dictionaries got imported from the Ergane project a long time ago. This project is not open source anymore, hence we have no way of updating these dictionaries at the moment. If you aware of another free and open source dictionary or even want to work on it yourself, you are very welcome.
Thank you. Would you be able to suggest a free and open source to get those entries from?
Thx for answers. I have updated my comment with proposed solution. Affected dicts are fd-nld-eng and fd-eng-nld. I'm learning Dutch and can contribute with my own woordenschat
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Hi, I've looked at the links but haven't found any tool to work with dictionaries so far :/