Hugh JF Chen

Results 14 issues of Hugh JF Chen

I tried to build a fully static linked postgrest binary with this docker image and met following error when building the `postgresql-libpq` pacakge: ``` Failed to build postgresql-libpq- The failure...

When I tried `cabal new-repl`, I got the following errors: `'packedFileDescriptor' is not a (visible) method of class 'Data.ProtoLens.Message'`. I checked the `proto-lens` package and this method is at version...

Currently, before you can use callService/callService' to call services on other nodes, you must use connection, listen or initNode established some connection state. This restrict should be removed because callService/callService'...

When I tried to install lumo on the raspberry pi 3, it always said download failed. I've tried to install it through a proxy with no luck. I attached the...

help wanted

Tried to cross build aws-c-cal fully static with musl but got following error: ``` CMake Error at /nix/store/ww83f028vh23vrvfg0i23y9cgkx89x53-cmake-3.21.2/share/cmake-3.21/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message): Could NOT find LibCrypto (missing: LibCrypto_LIBRARY) Call Stack (most recent call...

I've gone through the doc and it's still not clear to me if this tool can help deploy nix path to an non-nixos machine.

Shall we add a ```created_by``` column to the job table so that we can track who submits the job and list all jobs submitted by some one?

…nf if bastion is booting from DHCP. Fix #36 #37

The `` script runs smoothly when there're 3 master nodes and 3 worker nodes at least. However,If I list one master, one worker node as following in the inventory file:...