### Description Have a look at with multiple browsers. For me the only working example is the video embed with Chrome, the other samples are broken. With Firefox and...
> Pretty URLs – No ugly ‘phpthumb?args=blah’. More like: ‘uploads/cache/foo-bar-jpg/h456d6.jpg’ AFAIK both URLs are not the best considering a SEO perspective, where the image name has a quite strong weight...
I'm using a Wave Plus device and the Airthings dashboard CSV export gives sensors data series mostly regular with a 5 minutes step, except for Radon which is once per...
ng2-select2 supports ngOnChanges for the [data] input. I'm receving the error in the subject when the input array changes so I've tried converting the array to an observable using Observable.of(inputArray)...
Does the cache invalidation using the buildId parameter work with ISR built in cache-handlers? It doesn't work in my setup, but from a search on the whole rx-angular repo I...
hello @tomaszsita, would you kindly release the current version on I'm using this plug on clients projects and would like to use the version, but also give them...