The following worked on a Bootstrap 4 alpha 6 project to override the bootstrap style: datetime .form-control[readonly="false"]{ background-color: #ffffff !important; }
Yes, this is a bug and there's a pending PR #213. Please @nkalinov can you merge it and release a new version?
No, after some tests and code checking seems PR #213 is for another issue. The problem seems to be related to the bootstrap-datepicker lib, have a look at the issue...
I'm having this problem too, there's a PR pending from 6+ months Unfortunately it seems the author abandoned this otherwise excellent extension as the latest commit is Oct 17,...
A few more details about the issue, which doesn't always occur: 24 hours later on Chrome (Version 103.0.5060.134 Official Build 64-bit, Ubuntu 22.04 + Windows 10) and Firefox (Version 103.0...
I understand your point, but most of the literature about image SEO declares keywords in the image name as one important positioning factor, so what about swapping the image name...
A few more details I've found on the CSV export: despite the apparently successful data upload from the Android APP to the cloud, the Airthings Web Dashboard refreshes the shown...
I've dedicated some time to read and understand the ISR source code. The problem here, is not that there's no buildId equality check (it's [here]( but that I'm configuring the...
I'm trying to filter the [data] input with a pipe and having the problem described. Would you be so kind to post an example using a pipe? I would owe...
Something like this: ``` import * as _ from "lodash"; import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from "@angular/core"; @Pipe({ name: "fascicoliByTitolarioDataFilter" }) export class FascicoliByTitolarioDataFilterPipe implements PipeTransform { transform(array: any[], titolari: number): any...