Olexiy Zamkoviy
Olexiy Zamkoviy
Don't know, when async was default it started to do ajax requests after cancelling upload (or after completing upload).
it seems I just need to have flows inside navigation and all will work fine.
This system is not supported and it should be moved out from Weblocks. Is it necessary for Quicklisp to move it out ?
remove it please, it is not important
Good evening. I'm running debian. I've renamed files namespaces/www-w3-org/2001/xmlschema/ and namespaces/www-w3-org/2001/xmlschema-datatypes to their case sensitive analogs (XMLSchema and XMLSchema-datatypes). Does this answer your question ?
It didn't work with normal _uri-pathname-root_ so I had to change it. It seems that this pull request is my mistake. I'll try to make it work for me in...
Ok, I've made it work for me without need for renaming files.
as I remember it worked when I've added following snippet ``` lisp (setf (logical-pathname-translations "LIBRARY") '(("de;setf;resource;**;*.*.*" "/home/oz/src/de.setf.resource/**/"))) ```