de.setf.resource copied to clipboard
Renamed some files to work in operating systems with case sensitive paths
I'm under linux, package was loaded only after renaming directories.
good evening;
i build this with ubuntu linux all.the.time. the pull request does not indicate what you had to change.
On 2013-02-16, at 22:12 , Olexiy Zamkoviy wrote:
I'm under linux, package was loaded only after renaming directories.
You can merge this Pull Request by running git pull https:// pathnames-fix Or view, comment on, or merge it at:
Commit Summary Renamed some files to work in operating systems with case sensitive
paths File Changes A namespaces/www-w3-org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes/vocabulary.lisp (0) A namespaces/www-w3-org/2001/XMLSchema/vocabulary.lisp (0) Patch Links:
Good evening. I'm running debian. I've renamed files namespaces/www-w3-org/2001/xmlschema/ and namespaces/www-w3-org/2001/xmlschema-datatypes to their case sensitive analogs (XMLSchema and XMLSchema-datatypes). Does this answer your question ?
not entirely, but if i look at what sbcl does, i suspect it's a runtime issue:
3: (PROBE-FILE #P"/home/asdf/development/source/library/de/setf/resource/namespaces/www-w3-org/2001/xmlschema/vocabulary.lisp")
3: PROBE-FILE returned
given that the vocabulary loading works with a logical pathname, the question becomes, which runtime do you work with and what does it do with that logical pathname?
It didn't work with normal uri-pathname-root so I had to change it. It seems that this pull request is my mistake. I'll try to make it work for me in the right way later.
the reluctance to change stems from past experience with mixed-case pathnames.
Ok, I've made it work for me without need for renaming files.
good morning,
On 2013-02-17, at 06:06 , Olexiy Zamkoviy wrote:
Ok, I've made it work for me without need for renaming files.
what was the issue?
as I remember it worked when I've added following snippet
(setf (logical-pathname-translations "LIBRARY")
'(("de;setf;resource;**;*.*.*" "/home/oz/src/de.setf.resource/**/")))