
Results 30 issues of hsun3163

Hi Wanding, thank you for developing the package in place of Minfi. I have encountered an error trying to annotate the methylation data: While analyzing a dataset for HM450 Human...

(py3.11) [sunh14@lc03e22 ~]$ cd /sc/arion/projects/CommonMind/roussp01a/snmulti_QTL/working (py3.11) [sunh14@lc03e22 working]$ sos run pipeline/reference_data.ipynb download_hg_reference --cwd ../input/reference_data & [1] 189132 (py3.11) [sunh14@lc03e22 working]$ sos run pipeline/reference_data.ipynb download_gene_annotation --cwd ../input/reference_data & [2] 189133 (py3.11)...

This is a reminder to add `if ["chr","start","end"] in region: region.remove(["chr","start","end"])` in the genotype formatting notebook when the jupyterserver is avaible again.

This ticket is dedicated to problem 8 in #412. To records potential optimization options _________________________________________________________________ 1. reducing reuse of unneeded data. At the moment, full rows of the query table...

![download](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/54919134/205757000-e6b16f69-20c6-4985-b7a7-b4440f3e73c5.png) To generate the annotation in the above visualization, three types of annotation were used, all came from the built-in annotation of annotatr package `CpG Annotations`: Current: Given by the...

It is rather common that, for tasks with a lot of subtask(10000+) , sos process will be interrupted due to all sorts of reasons on the cluster, namely kicked out...

1. When requested mem = 50G, the run fails saying not enough mem ``` ============================================================== qname csg2.q hostname node88 group hs3163 owner hs3163 project NONE department defaultdepartment jobname job_t49524335528fbed8 jobnumber...

1. inconsistance chromosome naming convention between phenotype_per_chrom list and plink_per_chrom_list, wonder how this happened. 2. File name too long... should real change the default naming convention of A+B 3. Memory...

Examplify by chrom 21, although both runs recognized the same dimension of input: beta ``` cis-QTL mapping: nominal associations for all variant-phenotype pairs * 655 samples * 3211 phenotypes *...

I wonder if the following script can be changed to get rid of setwd so that the wd will not be messed up so easily and give us a headache....