
Results 80 issues of hsoft

How about support for migrating from GnuCash to moneyguru? I have a year and a half of data in GnuCash SQL DB (mysql) and I wanted to see what it...


After modifying a scheduled transaction (i.e. a transaction with the grey icon) and choosing "just this one", the modified status of the transaction should be visible. The easiest would be...


When modifying a scheduled transaction (i.e. a transaction with the grey icon), choosing "all future occurrences" should transform the corresponding schedule. The easiest implementation probably would be to: - stop...


In all transaction list, the schedule icon (i.e. the grey circle with a white double arrow inside) should be a button that opens the "schedule" view and highlights the corresponding...


[From GS](https://getsatisfaction.com/hardcodedsoftware/topics/autosave_question_and_suggestions) > It would be nice to see the active tab in case of tabs overflow (ala Safari), to be able to close it.


Some CSV are malformed and contain unescaped separator characters that aren't separator (comma for example). It would be nice if moneyGuru could work around these cases. I'm not sure how...


This is a usability feature request. In transactions lists with many future transactions, it is slow to find "now" (i.e. when the past transactions end and the planned ones start)....


from email: > Be able to view the Profit & Loss page, filtered on Asset accounts. > > Use case: Asset Accounts are sometimes used to split business activities, which...


from email: > In the From or To in the transaction list: if the From is split, show up as "Split", or if the To is split, show up as...


[From GS](http://getsatisfaction.com/hardcodedsoftware/topics/more_flexible_reports_sets_of_exclusion_statuses) > It would be beautiful if we could have some way of saving a set of exclusion statuses (current state of income / expense visibility). > > In...
