
Results 80 issues of hsoft

(strangely, although this is a commonly recurring feature request, I had never added a ticket for it) from email: > The idea here is that I have lots of varied...


[From GS](http://getsatisfaction.com/hardcodedsoftware/topics/does_dupeguru_take_musicbrainz_org_fingerprints_into_account) > So I've just spent a little while running Jaikoz (jthink.net) across my music collection, and allowing it to tag each song with a musicbrainz.org fingerprint. I don't...


The field of computing has been pioneered mostly by geniuses. Along its path, many awesome ideas where had, some of them were forgotten, or at least partly forgotten. With cheap...

It's been on my TODO list for a while. If it falls in somebody's interests, don't hesitate to claim the task. Currently, Collapse OS on the SMS uses VDP's graphical...

I'm fooling around with my TRS-80 model 4P's TRSDOS and it's a lot of fun. One thing I really like about TRSDOS is its debug utility. It's very usable and...

I took the habit of profusely commenting Collapse OS' code because "grokkability" is one of the project's top priority. When I read the code of more traditional applications (for example,...

A lot of comments I get with regards to Collapse OS is "Why not CP/M?", which is a very fair question. I need to come clean with this answer: I...

In the discussion around Collapse OS, many comments were about events that would massively destroy data stored on magnetic or electronic support (solar flare hitting earth directly for example). The...

The goal of this issue is to track who's trying the recipe, who succeeds, who fails and what we can do to improve the documentation. If you've started using this...

The goal of this issue is to track who's trying the recipe, who succeeds, who fails and what we can do to improve the documentation. If you've started using this...