
Results 16 issues of hsl20130659


this model can not do faceswap with blinking and opening mouth ?how to solve it ?

我想跑测试一下你开源的模型,但是遇到shape不一致的问题,你的网络对输入图片的尺寸有什么限制吗?然后可以单张测试吗,我看你的demo_inference.py 用的是批量处理,如果要测试单张图片应该怎么改呢?

where to load the fsns dataset ?



I used the train code to train a resnet-18 model last year and it did work ,the predictions were normal , but recently the model does not work ,3 predictions...

大佬好,能否提供一下可以运行的crnn_lite_lstm mnn模型?我基于你们放出来的crnn_lite_lstm.onnx模型直接转成mnn模型,推理会报错

pull,push,reg loss 偶尔全为0,这会是什么原因造成的呢

output = right_pool.backward(input, grad_output)[0] RuntimeError: Expected object of type Variable but found type CPUFloatType for argument #0 'result' (checked_cast_variable at /pytorch/torch/csrc/autograd/VariableTypeManual.cpp:196) frame #0: std::function::operator()() const + 0x11 (0x7f071af0d021 in /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/torch/lib/libc10.so)...