Himadri Sekhar Basu
Himadri Sekhar Basu
> Please correct the `PRETTY_NAME` Oops! Now corrected. Thanks.
@flexiondotorg The gui package `simple-pwgen` depends on the cli backend `python3-simple-pwgen`. However,`python3-simple-pwgen` is not in ubuntu or debian archieves. Would `deb-get` be able to resolve the dependency?
The file is on github release page https://github.com/hsbasu/simple-pwgen/releases/download/1.0.8/python3-simple-pwgen_1.0.8_all.deb
There is another package with similar functionalities that I found recently: [pacstall](https://github.com/pacstall/pacstall). It might be worth reviewing.
> Unused perameter গুলো যদি চিহ্নিত করে দেয়া যায় তবে ভাল হত wink । I can do it. Actually, it is pretty simple in `vscode`. Please let me know if...
If I follow the latest python packaging guide (Link in Commit), this is the minimal change that was required. I just moved the sources to `src` and added latest python...
> Please separate your changes into individual pull requests, each change should have a rationale to indicate why those changes are necessary and/or beneficial to the project. The changes were...
I would suggest do not merge it yet. because the setup.py needs to be cleaned. It would be highly appreciated if you could test the branch. just use `pip3 install...
I would also suggest while merging use the **Squash and merge** option rather than **creating a new commit**
@brlin-tw you can merge the branch. I have completed all the necessary changes and it works fine.