Yi-Chen (Howard) Lo
Yi-Chen (Howard) Lo
Hello, I'm a new comer to deep learning. And I'm just curious about why you use javascript to implement convnet that need expensive computation ? Why not just use python,...
I found that current `tools/tokenize.lua` will tokenize word features that concatenated with token when using `bpe_model`, resulting unwanted tokenization results. For example: - Input: `I | FEAT1 am | FEAT2...
Hello, thanks for the awesome library! I've noticed that the current codebase could only either perform seq2seq or seq-tagging by switching the argument `-model_type ` to `seq2seq` or `seqtagger`. But...
OpenNMT Lua version supports extra word features concatenated with token with "|" delimiter and the decoder can also make predictions of word features. I'm wondering if Tensorflow version has this...
### Metadata - Authors: Guillaume Lample, Ludovic Denoyer, Marc'Aurelio Ranzato - Organization: Facebook AI Research - Conference: ICLR 2018 - Link: https://openreview.net/forum?id=rkYTTf-AZ
### Metadata - Authors: Pascal Mettes, Elise van der Pol, Cees G. M. Snoek - Organization: University of Amsterdam - Conference: NeurIPS 2019 - Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1901.10514.pdf - Code: https://github.com/psmmettes/hpn
### Metadata - Author: Sangdoo Yun, Seong Joon Oh, +3, Sanghyuk Chun - Organization: NAVER AI LAB - Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.05022 - Code: https://github.com/naver-ai/relabel_imagenet
### Metadata: Knowledge Distillation Meets Self-Supervision - Author: Guodong Xu, Ziwei Liu, Xiaoxiao Li, Chen Change Loy - Organization: The Chinese University of Hong Kong & Nanyang Technological University -...
### Metadata - Authors: Polina Kirichenko, Pavel Izmailov, Andrew Gordon Wilson - Organization: New York University - Conference: NeurIPS 2020 - Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.08545.pdf - Code: https://github.com/PolinaKirichenko/flows_ood. ### Background: Training and...
### Metadata - Authors: [Lei Huang](https://huangleibuaa.github.io/), Jie Qin, Yi Zhou, Fan Zhu, Li Liu, Ling Shao - Organization: [Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Abu Dhabi, UAE](https://www.inceptioniai.org/) - Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.12836.pdf >...