I have 2 account one is band this morrning , another is fine , is it the same issue?
same , when I start any demo client , it show connected to whats app server then disconnect at once.. "yowsup.demos.echoclient.layer - Connected to WhatsApp servers yowsup.layers.network.dispatcher.dispatcher_asyncore - handle_close yowsup.layers.network.layer...
hi, May I know what is the env and setting to solve this issue ? I try use the env_android.py , it seem doeson't work
Hi ben, I write a java program to get the key but thow the exception "PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1And8bit SecretKeyFactory not available" is this program cannot run JDK11 ?
> Thanks for your reply, I do only copy this jar then write a simple main class java with import this jar to try , it can decrpt on my...
hello ,Ben it seem the noise protocol has been update to 5.3 , do you have time to update the noiseprotocol token mapping like WA53.java?
Many Thanks Ben !