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hi,sir! how to decrpt this kind of keystore.xml item from andorid device?
hi,sir! Thanks for your greate job! but i encounter this problem: in the keystore.xml form andrid, I found this keypair value, but i can't find any method to decrpt it:
any one has some tips will be greate apreciated!
thanks a lot!
<string name="client_static_keypair_pwd_enc">[2,"3WRAH98QPMiKSnxxx3dmqTufGG+rJm2bSIxcu\/cyFzUnFAuwShO0h2cxxxxMQk8Awmp7dh7Zi4Q","rUQKAj3IdcTYvkZKYvqd\/Q","27yTag","8dAj7ciKg0xxxxxJV1A"]</string> <long name="client_static_keypair_enc_success" value="3" /> <boolean name="can_user_android_key_store" value="true" />
Sir,Thanks for your reply! But I found the link you sent seems thant It only support type=2, but the [client_static_keypair_enc] 's type is 0, and the fields count is 3
any ideas? big thanks!
I think I haven't type 0 available yet.
Hi ben, I write a java program to get the key but thow the exception "PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1And8bit SecretKeyFactory not available" is this program cannot run JDK11 ?
I think you forgot to import BouncyCastle.
Thanks for your reply, I do only copy this jar then write a simple main class java with import this jar to try , it can decrpt on my IDEA, but when I export with the related jar bcprov-jdk15on-1.69.jar as project jar file, to run java -jar , then it show "PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1And8bit SecretKeyFactory not available". just dont know what difference between ide and the export jar .....
Does the exported JAR also have BouncyCastle packed? Also, it could be possible that the code only runs with OpenJDK.