
Results 6 comments of Nikolei

We implemented the changes @jmacqueen did, and the breakpoint on the initialize method in instance-initializers/application.js is hitting. However nothing is hitting for our validations/messages.js file. Is there something that needs...

Also, is there a way to read the country/region array to find a match on the saved value via JS if there aren't CRS form fields loaded on the page?

Yeah Im not seeing it. Would a `import ENV from 'application-name/config/environment';` on the component work in this case?

I added the import/inject to the component... ``` import DateTimePicker from '../datetimepicker'; import layout from './template'; import ENV from 'web-directory/config/environment'; export default DateTimePicker.extend({ layout, config: ENV['ember-cli-bootstrap-datetimepicker'], didReceiveAttrs() { this._super(...arguments); const...

I had to change the ui-scroll js link to It gave an error otherwise.