Yan Zhao

Results 43 issues of Yan Zhao

in spring-nacos-context 0.3.6, it use `com.alibaba.nacos.client.utils.StringUtils`. some user upgrade nacos-client upper than 1.2.0, it will error. spring-nacos-context 1.0.0 replace the `com.alibaba.nacos.client.utils.StringUtils`.

## Issue Description ``` /** * The bean name of {@link NamingServiceBeanBuilder} */ public static final String BEAN_NAME = "namingMaintainServiceBeanBuilder"; ```

## Issue Description Type: *bug report* ### Describe what happened (or what feature you want) When I first start this project, It can't start success. in the constructor of `com.alibaba.nacos.spring.core.env.NacosPropertySource#NacosPropertySource`,...

Descriptions of the changes in this PR: There is a user case. 1. They have two zones, they have a rack aware policy that ensures it writes across two zones...


### Motivation There is a user case about data availability. 1. They have two racks, they have a rack aware policy that ensures it writes across two racks. 2. They...


### Motivation fixes-#3362


Descriptions of the changes in this PR: This is a patch #3001. Consider unpooled direct memory on DbLedgerStorage.

**BUG REPORT** When we get entry from bookie in ReadEntryProcessorV3#readEntry, the response is DirectByteBuf, the v3 use proto buf response. So it will copy byte array to proto buf builder,...


**BUG REPORT** There are two methods in AbstractZkLedgerManager. 1. **registerLedgerMetadataListener** https://github.com/apache/bookkeeper/blob/677ccec3eb84f5be1b3556537871e14eb5e8359c/bookkeeper-server/src/main/java/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/AbstractZkLedgerManager.java#L389-L409 2. **unregisterLedgerMetadataListener** https://github.com/apache/bookkeeper/blob/677ccec3eb84f5be1b3556537871e14eb5e8359c/bookkeeper-server/src/main/java/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/AbstractZkLedgerManager.java#L412-L426 **The initial data** listeners: 1: watcherSet(watcher1) **Thread one: doing unregisterLedgerMetadataListener, it unregister (1, watcher1)** It get...


**BUG REPORT** #### In Auditor, we will checkAllLedger in the scheduled task `scheduleCheckAllLedgersTask`. https://github.com/apache/bookkeeper/blob/677ccec3eb84f5be1b3556537871e14eb5e8359c/bookkeeper-server/src/main/java/org/apache/bookkeeper/replication/Auditor.java#L1333 #### In ReplicationWorker, we will check ledgerFragment to replicate. https://github.com/apache/bookkeeper/blob/677ccec3eb84f5be1b3556537871e14eb5e8359c/bookkeeper-server/src/main/java/org/apache/bookkeeper/replication/ReplicationWorker.java#L369 #### Both will invoke `openLedgerNoRecovery`. It...
