Mistakenly closed issue, sorry
I'm seeing this in 2.0.0-beta.16 with the Linux appimage
I would love the default page to be the map and having a setting to change it to that (or the Recent Notes) would be great. However, I would be...
I'm sorry to ask this here but I just read @v1993 saying that the correct way to use joycon with Dolphin is to bind them directly. I've been having a...
According to dmesg It's seeing each joycon and assigning two devices, so that's good. I guess I just need to find out why the IMU devices aren't showing up in...
Oh, it's a permissions issue. running dolphin with sudo shows the missing devices. I think I read that joycond includes a udev fix so I'll check that out. Thank you...
While I'm here let me say that I'm really excited to try out your code! I've been wanting to build a state-machine for my home using a flowchart library that...