
Results 77 comments of Honglei

``` import numpy class NumpyAwareJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, numpy.ndarray) and obj.ndim == 1: return obj.tolist() if isinstance(obj, numpy.integer): return int(obj) elif isinstance(obj, numpy.floating): return float(obj) return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)...

This problems appear again! Why this fix still not merged into the github?

Hope for A new release since the pypi version Released: **Jul 30, 2018** https://pypi.org/project/asyncio_redis/

Any updates for Python3.11, release a new version on https://pypi.org/project/aiohttp/#files ?

After two years, will starlette support this feature ?

@abersheeran Will you commit a merge request for this ?

same warning for WingPro8, just ignore it. ``` C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\trio\_core\_multierror.py:511: RuntimeWarning: You seem to already have a custom sys.excepthook handler installed. I'll skip installing Trio's custom handler, but this means MultiErrors...

@richardsheridan I was directed to this issue from https://github.com/python-trio/trio/issues/1271 , so the problom was solved in #1271 right now?

at the beginning I wanna make pynorm https://github.com/USNavalResearchLaboratory/norm work with `asyncio` and `fastapi`, so I need an async version of `WaitForSingleObject ` , then I found `trio`. But trio is...