Alec hong

Results 48 issues of Alec hong

你好,谢谢提供一个gitlab的代码管理容器。 最近我想设置一个数据分析的容器,使用Dockerfile进行,想设置一个数据输入输出参数接口,如下面这种形式: docker run -it --rm \ -v /path/to/data:/scenicdata \ aertslab/pyscenic:[version] pyscenic ctx \ /scenicdata/expr_mat.adjacencies.tsv \ /scenicdata/hg19-tss-centered-5kb-7species.mc9nr.feather \ /scenicdata/hg19-tss-centered-10kb-7species.mc9nr.feather \ --annotations_fname /scenicdata/motifs-v9-nr.hgnc-m0.001-o0.0.tbl \ --expression_mtx_fname /scenicdata/expr_mat.tsv \ --mode "dask_multiprocessing" \ --output...

Hi, Thanks to develop the great tools for immunolgical analysis of multiple data format. with the development of VDJ repertoires, it would be a milestone in years to come. In...

status:Waiting for data 📁

Hi @All, The human data to run the pyscenic display below error: The pyscenic can generated the auc matrix well but the binary matirx. the error showing below: Base on...


Hi all, The monocle3 can remove the batch effect in the turorial vignette, however i runing the step to avoid the batch, it was disable to work in my data....


Hi , The error occurred indicate that liger not found, when i run the liger method to integrated my scRNA-seq Data. It was weird, because of i had installed the...


Hi Developer, The cell-blast had been installed in conda environment with python3.9 and then install the tensorflow with pip by default version: tensorflow 2.9.1 tensorflow-estimator 2.9.0 when i run the...

Hi Dr. Thanks to develop the great tools. I want to use your data to test the pipeline for further analysis myself data. but i can not get the data...

Hi, Thanks the great tools, The convert method can well work on the individual sample but the integrated samples. Hope can improve the package to fix this issue. Best and...

Hi all, Thanks to develop the great pipeline to manipulate the RNA velocity between seurat and anndata object. I wonder that the vignette you post about the merge is one...

Hi @ctrapnell , I am very confused that the BiocGenerics pacakage had exists but the monocle can not be invoked it showing below error: 8 nodes produced errors; first error:...