I still have my issue in 7.12.5 -> Still no fix on this ? I got this exact same error, but the API filter work lol Im filtering a field...
Just as an update... This error still happen 7.12.7 I have request to the API everyday, so this make my log grow up insanely fast, the thing is that the...
> Try to replace [countRecords function](https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM/blob/7b6ac1bb788bf0904e05cea6d9069a5feeaab52f/Api/V8/BeanDecorator/BeanManager.php#L246) in the **Api/V8/BeanDecorator/BeanManager.php** file with this: > > ``` > public function countRecords($module, $where) > { > $bean = $this->newBeanSafe($module); > $table = $bean->getTableName();...
no news on this ? Im waiting to update to 7.14 for this
Hey there, deeply sorry far the extreme late reply, I completly forgot this issue. Can confirm the fix proposed work. Crazy to see the teven in the latest version its...