
Results 13 issues of hoangthienan95

Thanks for the cool template! I have forked my own (https://github.com/hoangthienan95/copier-pdm/) and added my own [variable](https://github.com/hoangthienan95/copier-pdm/blob/a5e9a5e0b5a31c7112c2711f89c632bae2f1c002/copier.yml#L126) to be templated in [pyproject.toml](https://github.com/hoangthienan95/copier-pdm/blob/a5e9a5e0b5a31c7112c2711f89c632bae2f1c002/project/pyproject.toml.jinja#L78). However, when I run `copier gh:hoangthienan95/copier-pdm test`, I don't...

I'm running papermill on [LSF](https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSETD4_9.1.3/lsf_users_guide/job_submit.html) and for some reason I can run it locally fine but when submitting the job it just gets stuck at 60% for 20 minutes. I...

Hello there, Thank you for the very cool tool. I work in research and was developing my analysis pipeline interactively with Jupyter Notebook, and now that the pipeline is perfected,...


Hi there. I can't seem to reproduce the following two examples: 1. https://plot.ly/python/selection-events/ 1. https://plot.ly/python/figurewidget-app/, possible duplicate: https://plot.ly/python/widget-app/ Versions: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25307953/63472545-82a03800-c440-11e9-8e04-6be9da84caf9.png) ## for 1., code was changed a bit to use...

Hi there, thank you for the awesome project, I just discovered it and I think it's perfect for distributing scripts with intuitive in a research lab setting for wet lab...

Thank you for the amazing work on dask and dask-jobqueue. I was very excited to test it on my institute's HPC on top of LSF. However, when I use dask...


Hi there! Is there a way to apply tag to multiple cells? When I select multiple cells and apply a tag, it is only applied to the last cell in...

When creating a catalog, alot of the times I don't want to use simple templating for source's parameters in the catalog, but a mapping of what is exposed to user...

The widget just gets stuck and nothing happens when you click the buttons. If I launch classic notebook then it works fine Jupyter lab environment extensions: ```bash (jupyterlab) anhoang@tak /lab/corradin_cache/SEP_pairs_results$...

First off thank you so much for the great package and manuscript. It's awesome to see such important work done in dimensionality reduction/single cell unifying and comparing the DR methods....