Holger Nestmann
Holger Nestmann
If dw.json is filled with user name and password. SFCC-CI will add "grant_type":"password" to the auth. This auth doesn't work sometimes, forcing the user to client up dw.json
Easy enable brotli and the like https://developer.commercecloud.com/s/api-details/a003k00000UIKk2AAH/commerce-cloud-developer-centercdnzones
PWA Kit environments can be managed using APIs. It would be great if we can add this to SFCC-CI to allow common tool to handle both b2c backend and pwa...
Some modules are implemented using callback, which makes it hard to follow the order of execution when reading the code
In order to speed up projects with any type of customer data set, we should add support to the search for different product types, such as simple products and variation...
Sorry just for iOS, can't test with android