> @daoshenzzg 我也配置命令行脚本,但是不成功,手动单独执行可以,感觉marktext并没有调用配置的脚本,也没有其他异常信息 我也是同样的情况。不知道在哪里可以看到marktext的日志
I got the same error when open widget inspector with vscode. ``` ═══════ Exception caught by Flutter framework ═════════════════════════════════ The following assertion was thrown during a service extension callback for...
config.json 里定义path了吗?
which version is your os?
can you send me the screen shot about crash?
I will leave in a few days. I'm sorry ,I can't deal with your problem in a few days. I will deal with as soon as possible after coming back
I've just come back. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long. Please give me some time to resolve the issue.
please delete this folder, ~/Library/Containers/me.hjue.everdoc/Data,then run the app. You can request a refund for the purchase if the problem already exists. [How to request a refund for an iTunes or...
@RoostertailSoftware [email protected] is not available , tell me your email,I will send you a debug version.