Results 35 comments of Xing Guo

Hi @bzhaoopenstack, Thanks for your generous offer! Seems that integrating ARM instances into the GitHub Action is an easier option. Do you have any suggestions? I can help maintain it.

请问 ctex 是什么版本?

> CTex 我刚刚想问的是 ctex 这个宏包的版本 (ctex 是一个宏包, CTeX 是个集成的环境/软件), 我大概猜出来您使用的是 CTeX 这个软件 ( CTeX 已经很久没人维护了 (最后的版本应该还是 2016 年?). 解决方法就是使用 texlive 安装 (说明: 最新的 ctex 宏包 ( 或者不折腾一点儿, 用...

Sees that there's a bug with our planner? As a work around, we can disable `gp_enable_multiphase_agg` temporarily. ``` postgres=# show gp_enable_multiphase_agg; gp_enable_multiphase_agg -------------------------- on (1 row) postgres=# explain SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT...

Another easy to reproduce test case: ``` postgres=# create table dqa_f3(a character varying, b bigint) distributed by (a); insert into dqa_f3 values ('123', 2), ('213', 0), ('231', 2), ('312', 0),...

This PR is for discussion. Seems that we can do some clean-up jobs to python packages.


Can we remove pylint as well? Seems that we don't have pipelines that running pylint to check our python code. Besides, the version of pylint in our repo is 0.21.0...

> LGTM. Thanks. > > I do not find the `array_agg` case in the original issue, please also add the case in that issue. I'm afraid of the result of...