Results 35 comments of Xing Guo

> Environment variables like `OMP_NUM_THREADS` and `OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS` need to be set in the environment before starting Postgres. This can easily be done as mentioned earlier: `OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 cargo pgrx run` but...

> I've considered this, is there a way to ensure that the function exists before we call it? Nothing wrong with `unsafe` if we've made sure that the code works...

Hi, I submit a PR to resolve this issue, could you please take a look? #1362

Hi, usually, I configure the Greenplum with the following commands. ``` CFLAGS="-Og -g3 -ggdb" ./configure --enable-debug ... ``` After building it, you can attach gdb to the server process. >...

> I didn't really mean that there is the one correct way to debug greenplum, but a convenient way, that is actually used widely. Thanks for the answer @higuoxing ,...

There're quite some typos relevent to partitioned tables both in Greenplum and PostgreSQL. 😂 Would you like to fix them? ``` grep -riE '(parttion|partion|partiton|parition|parittion)' ```

> > There're quite some typos relevent to partitioned tables both in Greenplum and PostgreSQL. > > I exec your command to search in Postgres: > > ```shell > grep...

> Sounds reasonable, maybe we should submit a patch for Postgres. Great! Please go ahead!

What's the version of your server? The issue should be resolved by

You need to run `./configure` under the root directory of the source code, otherwise the `` won't exist. Probably you'll need to use the following command to configure gpdb. ```...