Martin Hochstrasser
Martin Hochstrasser
I think it is a great idea to have a lot of tutorials in one-place. For me, writing tutorial / doc. is a bit hard, but (for me personally) it...
Is this something you would add to the sub-sections themselves (for example [GameMenu]( or at the [root]( (README)? I think at the root / table of contents level it could...
Yeah, I noticed that behavior too. I added that in my [PR]( for the docs repo.
Not really. I played around a bit with CALIB, but it seems to just shut off when "triggering" this mode. My current understanding is that the sensor does a self-calibration...
> > > I highly recommend not playing around with calibration call. Who knows what calibration procedure is executed in the LEGO facilities. Executed the wrong way, you might brick...
> This would change ColordistanceSensor.cs and extend the example for the sensor. > Want to avoid two or more of us working on it. > So is there interest in...