peng yiming
peng yiming
Hello. Thanks for your excellent work! I transplant the loss function and memory bank of your code to my own code, and run my code on Cityscapes dataset and my...
Hello. Thanks for your great work. I run the script cityscapes/hrnet/, but the it turns out that the result is worse than baseline. There may be some bugs in the...
Hello, I am new to this and I got a little confused when I try to find the cost funtion of the MPC process. I want to alter the cost...
Hello! Thanks for your great work! I wonder whether you have the pretrained model without CAA? It would be of great help if you can provide them.
Hello. Thanks for your great work! In your paper Meta R-CNN++ was presented as a stonger baseline. But it seems that Meta R-CNN++ is similar to the Meta R-CNN implementation...