Hugo Hromic

Results 99 comments of Hugo Hromic

> Hi guys. Yesterday I got an email from Samsung stating that they fixing the touchscreen coordinates in the latest OTA update. Can you take a look at it and...

I faced the same issue yesterday when testing the new version of Lemuroid with encrypted ROMs. Alternatively, Lemuroid could support providing an `aes_keys.txt` file with the encryption keys that [can...

+1 I'm having the same problem as described here: Having a configurable save folder + Syncthing would indeed help my use case as well.

Hi, can you copy a snippet of code that produces this error? A minimal example reproducing the error. Thanks!

Hi, thanks for reporting! Indeed I didn't consider multiple interfaces in the original implementation. Thanks for providing a suggestion, I will try to incorporate it as soon as possible.

hi @eshkrab ! I'm glad to see the library is being useful to you. Regarding the issue you are seeing, indeed I didn't think of multicast interface selection in the...

Note: it might be necessary to implement a new function to set the the `IP_MULTICAST_IF` option in the outgoing datagram socket. In the same vein and for completeness, it might...

Hello again, it turned out this was relatively simple to implement :) Please check the `multicast` branch of this repository. Can you test it using your setup? To select an...

Um that's weird to happen. Multicasting can be a bit tricky, specially over wireless. Some things to try: * Try unicasting and see if you don't loose packets after a...

Hi @eshkrab , any updates on this issue? Did you try with the code I supplied in the `multicast` branch? I would like to check if we need more debugging...