
Results 4 issues of hhchang0210

Hi, I used the pivoted-uo.sql to get urine output. But, I found it looks like some missing data in it. Take the patientunitstayid = 213517 for example: In patient table,...

Hi, This is a great tool for statistics. I have a problem when I use ggbarstats. Can I only show MPAA == PG in y-axis [https://github.com/IndrajeetPatil/ggstatsplot/raw/main/man/figures/README-ggbarstats1-1.png](url)? Thank you very much.

I am trying to retrieve the procedures of CT scan with contrast. The procedures_icd file contains the CT scan with contrast records. I used procedure icd_code to get the CT...

### Steps to reproduce the problem I have a dataset. The independent variable, statin, is a factor variable. str(t1$statin) Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": 2 1 1 1 2 1...