Olivia Cheng

Results 12 comments of Olivia Cheng

:clap: @mileswwatkins fantastic, I knew I could count on you

here are a whole bunch of punny ideas contributed by **[@mlaffs](https://twitter.com/mlaffs)** on the twitters! - alternatively: _"contribu-terriers"_ - error response/404: "this _chihua-won't_ load" - nickname for online contributor community: _Secretpuppies...

let us not forget @Cspeisman's contribution of `melon…collie`

also, I just thought of _paw_some, as in, openpuppies contributors are _pawsome_

could use lodash's shuffle to randomize puppies more efficiently

@mileswwatkins have you got gifs of guppies for me? I actually think this would be kinda hilarious as an april fools

great question! when we decided to use gifs instead of mp4s on mobile, it had to do with how certain mobile OSs (namely iOS) prevented autoplaying of videos. Now iOS...

**[mlaffs](https://twitter.com/mlaffs)** mentioned Washington Animal Rescue League as a potential source of gifs—something to think about that is also along these lines. Shelter-sponsored gifs. https://twitter.com/mlaffs/status/634132676300025856

Similar train of thought: @rshorey mentioned that > [@CutePetsBmore](https://twitter.com/CutePetsBmore) and other similar local bots tweet out adoptable animals https://twitter.com/rachel_shorey/status/634123196321501184

@mileswwatkins that would be truly excellent of you who da :bomb: you da :bomb: