Michael L Heuer

Results 121 comments of Michael L Heuer

A closed-open range `[3,3)` is empty, so the query should return empty set. A closed-open range `[3,4)` is not empty and should return `[Read1, Read2]`. A closed-open range `[4,4)` is...

No, I believe that is an incorrect interpretation. The definition of a closed-open range `[a..b)` is `{x | a

Shouldn't that be an error? The definition of a closed-open range `[a..b)` is `{x | a

Bump. Meanwhile, [opencb.org](https://github.com/opencb) has had to publish GA4GH artifacts to Maven Central under their own `groupId`. See http://search.maven.org/#search|gav|1|g%3A%22org.opencb.ga4gh%22%20AND%20a%3A%22ga4gh%22

@mcupak as I said above, I'd be willing to take this on, however I have heard nothing from any working group members as far as release plans. The todo list...

- [x] Need a pull request for KEYS file @kozbo created - [x] Distribute public key(s) to keyservers, per Sonatype [Distributing Your Public Key](http://central.sonatype.org/pages/working-with-pgp-signatures.html#distributing-your-public-key) - [x] Complete review and merge...

@ejacox @kozbo ping me if you need any help

Could this be re-opened for further discussion? I'm not sure #762 was the right approach.

This works for us in nf-core on AWS Batch and also with Tower; I haven't tried with Amazon Genomics CLI yet. Perhaps having this block in your config might help?...