Michael L Heuer

Results 121 comments of Michael L Heuer

Thanks for the quick reply! Before updating the Conda recipe, I would like to try to resolve the problem(s) with the `pyadam` script. I think #2041 might be a similar...

Hello @alartin, unfortunately I am not much more informed on python packaging than in 2019 😉 If you have a workaround that works for you, keep going with it! I'm...

I'd be ok if `ADAMSaveAnyArgs` went away and the enum moved to `SaveArgs` in utils: https://github.com/bigdatagenomics/utils/blob/master/utils-cli/src/main/scala/org/bdgenomics/utils/cli/ParquetArgs.scala#L30 `sortFastqOutput` also feels misplaced.

On further consideration, `SaveArgs`, `LoadFileArgs`, `SaveFileArgs`, and `ParquetLoadSaveArgs` are all rather worthless, since we always redefine INPUT and OUTPUT meta variables so that we can be more specific about supported...

Note there is also `disableFastConcat` now

Thank you for following up on this @pditommaso @bentsherman! The `arity` option appears to be exactly what was needed > If the arity is `1`, a sole file object will...

Thank you! Closing this issue as complete.

Hello @SidWeng! I have seen issues occasionally with gzipped/bgzf FASTQ input before, although typically with paired reads, where ADAM complains about not having the same numbers of each. If you...

But now Chuck has constructors!

I'm backing down on this one 😉 Refactored LiCK `Random` → `Chance` in commit 7392215