
Results 72 comments of herrsimon

@tkna91: May I ask about the use case you have in mind? I don't see any. An interactive remote desktop can be obtained via dedicated tools and for automation tasks...

> I had a simple idea. "Couldn't something like the following output be used as input as is?" Not without further (cumbersome but essentially straightforward) processing, as keyd purposely does...

According to my latest information, proper mouse support (more precisely the integration of [warpd](https://github.com/rvaiya/warpd) into keyd) is a planned feature. For now, you can use `command` to call warpd, which...

I did this and can now confirm that the problem is indeed caused by the new detection logic. While this is of course a bit annoying, it only happens a...

So just to understand: You're saying that plugging in a physical keyboard and pressing a key keeps your screen blank, but starting keyd and pressing a key turns it on?

Thanks for the quick reply, I did another test with exactly the same setup as you (empty resource file, just one @article in test.abcde) and think I found the problem:...

ok, I think this would be a very useful extension.

As I wrote in #186, it is probably best to simply diverge from org-format and require that the #+ declarations have to appear at the beginning of the file.

Thanks a lot for taking a shot at implementing this and sorry for the super late reply, I was completely swamped in work. The fastest method would probably be manually...

I thought about my proposal of dynamically changing globals a bit more and came to the conclusion that it makes no sense. The only potentially useful option to change dynamically...