
Results 72 comments of herrsimon

> warpd doesn't have direct access to the input devices, so it can't make use of any libinput functionality. Damn, I intended to give wayland a try within the next...

I see, even though my knowledge of X and wayland still resembles a white canvas, there are more and more colored speckles appearing thanks to your useful comments.

There is always a way, but as the Windows ecosystem vastly differs from the current two implemented ones (Linux and MacOS) it would require substantial efforts, which I highly doubt...

This is by design to prevent certain issues, see [here](https://github.com/rvaiya/keyd/commit/076a1868e594fdcd1002623cbb68747c1ac4e62f). Does this impact functionality in your case?

Oh, I see. In my case, I'm happy that the functionality is there, otherwise it would mess up my firefox sessions. For the moment, you could fix this by inserting...

Here is my view regarding this issue: If any control on the automatically inserted modifiers is given to the end user, I think it would not be enough to simply...

Another use case where the additional inserted modifiers break expected behavior: If a mouse button is mapped to an overloaded key, then some programs expecting mouse clicks get confused. For...

> > : If a mouse button is mapped to an overloaded key, then some programs expecting mouse clicks get confused. For example, scrot exits prematurely when called with the...

The way I see it is as follows: Acting on alt tap (as firefox does) by default is bad style, in fact it already bothered me (not enough to do...

> > I don't know any other mainstream program showing this behavior. > > I believe some UI toolkits (GTK?) do this by default. There is also the matter of...