
Results 72 comments of herrsimon

In my opinion this is not necessary as it can be easily replicated via shell scripts (which have much more power than vimb alone). Typically, this feature would only be...

thanks for the information, I think it will not be too late, otherwise there is no logical reason which they make the distinction between documend start and end. I will...

Actually, I think it would be a better idea to make the injection time configurable as a setting, for example ``user-scripts-inject-time=start|end`` or a boolean ``user-scripts-inject-at-start``, because sometimes it is also...

as a followup regarding css/userscript: another elegant solution would be to add specific configuration files containing lines of the form ``$REGEX $STYLEFILE`` where vimb would apply $STYLEFILE for URIs matching...

I'm using Emacs 25.1.1 but the problem is actually present since a long time. Disabling all minor modes doesn't fix it either. I investigated a bit further: The problem is...

Nobody's perfect and besides, both ledger and ledger-mode are great pieces of software that not only have drastically simplified all my bookkeeping needs but also provided me with much better...

I just read #111. The current best `timeout`-based solution proposed there could be simplified a lot by introducing combo keys, so I add this as an additional use case. It...

> I think we are again conflating design with implementation and making things needlessly complex. Most of what you describe is a natural byproduct of the latter. Sorry, I apparently...

@slakkenhuis > I don't think that it is a niche feature at all --- it's just a variant of overloading letter keys. That's a subject that @rvaiya and I might...