Results 8 issues of hernantz

It would be nice to play nice with async worflows for reading files and loading settings.


It would be nice to add type support, just have to figure out how to deal with `Value` descriptors.


Just sharing my thoughts here. This is inspired by [GoodConf](, and the idea is to allow encapsulating settings inside a structure other than a python module. ```python from prettyconf import...

I believe documentation should also teach good practices. Added a notice for how to properly name an environment setting. I thought about adding an option like `Environment(prefix='MY_APP_')` but we already...

- If the user provides a cast function, we use that one, no questions asked. - if the user sets a default that is an int, str, boolean, float, etc,...

I'm using debian buster and melt 191020. I've installed the `fonts-noto-color-emoji` package. ```sh $ fc-match emoji NotoColorEmoji.ttf: "Noto Color Emoji" "Regular" ``` But when redering the following xml, the emojis...

**What is the name of your project?** Classyconf **What is the repo URL?** **Is there anything else I should know about the code?** No **Are there any areas you...