Results 12 comments of hernantz

This would be really cool, does it need a new dependency? If so, I think it should be optional. Another possibility is to provide this loader as a separate package...

Currently doubleSuggest accepts only one link as remote source, and only one object as local source. But is something that I will consider to implement. I may have some time...

Pushed multi_source Give it a try and tell me how you did. You can use it as remoteSource: 'test.php', or remoteSource: ['test.php','test2.php'],

Hi johnyma22, i tried to replicate your error on a native IE8 and IE9 with IE8 compatibility mode and worked fine. I did see that the search input is not...

Mmm it was weird, when I first entered the site I got an error on cloudflare.min.js, line 29, character 454. Take into account that this ie8 browser is quite old,...

Are you using any ie testing tool like IEtester?

Oh! I got what you meant. I thought you where talking about selecting an element by pressing enter. The doubleSuggest text input is just another input from a form. Press...

Hey @osantana, it wasn't my intention to throw this task at you, but to discuss this idea instead. I would say it makes more sense for this changes to be...

Hey @osantana, here is the library I created as a wrapper around prettyconf I had to move quickly and break backwards compatibility. This a list of some changes: -...

This PR does not involve any changes in the code. The idea here was to suggest good practices in the docs. You would still have the flexibility to follow or...