> Hello, fascinated with you project but....... > Can you provide some test image samples and there related .mat files? > or > Can you phrase how you guys generate...
> 1. As shown in this [repos](https://github.com/layumi/Person_reID_baseline_pytorch), small batchsize (e.g., 32) can also achieve competitive results. One GPU with 5G may be enough. > 2. If you want to train...
> > > > 虽然时间过去很久了,但是还是说明一下,方便使用这个仓库的人。 用这一个模型就可以了,2,3,4都可以通过修改config文件的上采样因子实现不同倍率的超分。 感谢作者的工作。 请问valid 模式下,怎么才能让LR生成得到SR呢??