
Results 54 issues of Hendursaga

While trying to setup git-link for a cgit-powered repository (https://git.adrian.geek.nz/rhapsode.git), it wouldn't work, because https://github.com/sshaw/git-link/blob/master/git-link.el#L412-L414 strips ".git" from the directory name. As a workaround, I currently do something similar to...

After compiling the latest SBCL, I can no longer build the latest commit (02bced0f804e1831bfc32d89c1a7eb7f3b43d28a). I suspect it's a CFFI bug. I cleaned my CL cache, `make clean`'d the project, and...

On latest commit, there's a TODO at https://github.com/atlas-engineer/nyxt/blob/master/source/renderer/gtk.lisp#L389 for "[d]on't automatically call the restart when from the REPL?" I uncommented the next two lines, deleted the third, and set `*run-from-repl-p*`...

While providing Debian packages is nice to have, another step forward would be have some sort of official Rhasspy-specific Debian repository/Ubuntu PPA. At the very least, it would be great...

Although I see you've done an impressive job containing this program, I think it's possible to do even better, at least, on Linux. Instead of setuid root, perhaps setgid `input`...

As title says. The relevant line is https://github.com/alexr4535/siglo/blob/main/data/meson.build#L21 - I've never used meson/ninja before, though. My reason is because I have no need for the service and also meson was...

[Deno](https://deno.land/) is a "simple, modern and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust." It would be great to support it, as I'm a...

It would be great if you cryptographically signed either 1) source code tarballs, or 2) the .JAR itself. For the former, you could go with PGP, SSH, or even `signify`....


After opening https://azlyrics.com/ with latest Nyxt, running `toggle-debug-on-error` and then `select-frame-new-buffer`, the frame source selection fails entirely, turning that entire buffer (as in, the prompt buffer is still visible) completely...


So far, whenever I set `*run-from-repl-p*` to `t`, and I wanted to shutdown Nyxt, I've had to `killall -9 nyxt`, but I was wondering if there was a better way...