Helvio Junior (M4v3r1cK)

Results 6 issues of Helvio Junior (M4v3r1cK)

Added .NET specification. Source of specifications: * https://www.ntcore.com/files/dotnetformat.htm * https://asmresolver.readthedocs.io/en/latest/peimage/dotnet.html

I have implemented a multithread version, for me it was at least 10x faster. To do that i splited the queryes read only to write, to reduce deadlocks.

New Features: - [X] Implemment a sample Belkin virtual smart plug to be used at Amazon Alexa - [X] Add new variable type - XML BugFix: - [X] Add space...

I added support to custom TCP port, it is very usefull in case of port fowarding and pivoting. My Best Regards.

Added several features at progressbar: - [X] Template to position cursor at the last filled char - [X] ETA new format - [X] Coloured bar - [X] Byte parser and...

Before ``` ╭───────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │ │ File: /tmp/teste.json │ ├───────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ 1 │ { │ │ 2 │ "id": "d35c4561-abb3-4fa5-8103-c0a88ca9eb50", │ │ 3 │ "name": "CCat Test", │ │ 4 │...