Honest Charley Bodkin

Results 42 comments of Honest Charley Bodkin

I just discovered this issue myself independent of this project. Was hoping you all might have figured it out. Grateful that it looks like @jeffreylanters is making progress!

@jeffreylanters Trying to understand your fix by reading your merged code and this: > Unity code will no longer be unmounted Will the game just hang around on the DOM?...

Yeah, I just put together my own work-around: ```tsx ``` Instead of: ```tsx ```

It looks like there are several build-time errors we need to fix to begin to support v16: https://circleci.com/api/v1.1/project/github/nestjs/graphql/5627/output/106/0?file=true&allocation-id=617b08033c8e47195b6e58b2-0-build%2F1EAA0EBD

I started addressing some of the errors here: https://github.com/nestjs/graphql/pull/1860 I haven't made very much progress, but it might give you an idea of where some of the type errors are.

Agree @smolinari. I started this [branch](https://github.com/nestjs/graphql/pull/1860) to see if the community would start lending a hand fixing the bugs: https://github.com/nestjs/graphql/pull/1860 I haven't updated my packages and I would love to...

This is kind of strange, but I think a hack solution is to use both a CSS style and an HTML attribute. ✅ For example, this works to render elements:...