how to solve this problem? thanks a lot! [05/15 20:16:43 d2.MonoDet]: Total inference pure compute time: 0:01:20 (0.021297 s / img per device, on 1 devices) Traceback (most recent call...
Hello! Thanks for your work! I have a question , I don't konw where to get the ImageSets for the Kitti Benchmark,I dont think its a part of the dataset....
I have a question , how to visualize the forground depth map?
Hello, how can I get the label of the label of testing set ? When I run the test.sh, It is tested with a validation set, and when I change...
I run the demo.py by python demo.py --cfg_file /media/wdr/cym/LoGoNet-base/detection/tools/cfgs/det_model_cfgs/kitti/LoGoNet-kitti.yaml --data_path /media/wdr/cym/LoGoNet-base/detection/data/kitti/testing/velodyne/000000.bin --ckpt /media/wdr/cym/LoGoNet-base/checkpoint_epoch_40.pth and output error: 2024-04-02 22:12:25,115 INFO -----------------Quick Demo of al3d-det------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "demo.py",...
hello,I have a question that where the code for Feature Dynamic Aggregation Module is ? I have seen the code in LoGoHead_kitti.py pooled_features = pooled_features + localgrid_densityfeat_fuse.permute(0, 2, 1) and...