
Results 25 comments of hawkeyexp

H, not fully - a bit stripped down - notify while process is running is the main request. Showing the results and a map is the topping if possible :-)

ah ok - that makes it harder if can't monitor the g-code to have a look for the g29 command and it's reply of result to set start and end...

perfect - and fast response from jneilliii :-) So with have to ait a bit :-9

You are talking about the iframe integration for a camera stream right? This way i know but custom actions are niot available during the print.

No problem @jneilliii :-) The requerst i think is not a big deal i think cause the webcam feature is still included (which is nice) - it's only the missing...

540x960 with 220dpi Gesendet von meinem HTC Sensation mit CM10.1 Michael Prankl [email protected] schrieb: > Could you tell me your device specs, especially screen size and density (dpi)? > >...

Wow a really big part of work! Currently now testing on my RPI3b+ - sometimes i noticed timeouts from addon signals - seems to be caused by the downloads of...

It seems library export is broken - my destination is located on a nfs which results in a read only fs fail (but it's rw and working on another mashine...

@caphm - ok perfect - i had a look inside but you can do it more easy cause the big reworks needs time to step in again :-) PS: a...